Positive Affirmation

Positive Affirmation apparel was created to inspire and encourage those that need a little push on a daily basis. You got this!

Message from our founder

Have you ever looked at yourself in the mirror and said, why me? I'm not good enough. I can't. Not today. Why hasn't hasn't it happened yet? Well I'm here to tell you that you're purposely chosen. You can! Do it! Delay is not a Denial, it will happen.

 I stared Positive Affirmation apparel after battling with depression and anxiety for several years. 

I coped with these battles with prayer and daily affirmations. I stood in the mirror and looked at myself and repeated " I can, I will, and won't let nothing stop me". 

Wearing these words make me feel better about myself everyday. I want to help others that are going through the same thing I went through strive.

It's a continuous reminder that I have a purpose, I can keep going and not give up.

Mission statement


store owner

Our mission is to support your mental health through positive affirmations that you can wear. We're here to help you strive.